Mad Catz Street Fighter V Arcade Fightstick
Category:Latest NewsThe entire team at Mad Catz has been working closely with Capcom to create something special for this next generation of Street Fighter.
One thing we really wanted to achieve for our SFV range of products was going back to our roots. Creating a range of products that is robust and able to be used at the highest level of play.
Introducing the Mad Catz Street Fighter V range of fighting game controllers.
Continuing with our award winning tournament grade arcade sticks, Mad Catz presents the Street Fighter V Arcade FightStick Tournament Edition S+ (TE-S+) and Street Fighter V Arcade FightStick Tournament Edition 2+ (TE2+). We listened to the feedback from the gaming community that really fell in love with the original Tournament Edition FightSticks, so we decided to bring it back in form of the TE-S+. Why the plus? We’re adding L3 and R3 buttons, full touch panel compatibility (gesture and button press) along with a refined case for a new generation of Street Fighter. Similarly, we’re doing the same with the TE2, which will also have the additional button and touch panel functionality built in.
If the Tournament Edition range of FightSticks aren’t for you, then we still have two more options in the Street Fighter V Arcade FightStick Alpha and Street Fighter V FightPad PRO. Both are entry level gaming controllers with a focus on the core necessity to kick ass efficiently with power and methodology. We’ve put a lot of thought into the design of these products, with a core focus on comfort and playability. The FightStick Alpha is a new level of control that is both compact and ideal for travel/storage yet does not sacrifice the bare necessities of competitive standard. Holding true to it’s legacy, it plays brilliantly in your lap or on a flat surface and maintains a genuine arcade layout.