Rock Band is back and it’s better than ever!

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Rock Band is back and it’s better than ever!

Category:Latest News

Rock Band 4

Today, Thursday March 5, 2015 is a day which will be long remembered by music fans and gamers alike! Harmonix announced this morning that Rock Band, the legendary music platform loved by millions worldwide is coming back, bigger and stronger than ever before!

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for Xbox One or PlayStation 4

Due for release later this year on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, Rock Band 4 is going to BLOW YOU AWAY. A love-letter to fans of the franchise, Rock Band 4 is set to take music gaming to the next level! In addition to a killer on-disc soundtrack, Rock Band 4 will support vast numbers of tracks released since the 2007 launch of the original Rock Band. Harmonix is confident that day one, Rock Band 4 will deliver the most music, period!

Fans of the critically-acclaimed music platform know that music alone does not make the experience. Alongside the launch of the game, Mad Catz will have a full line-up of new music game controllers, ready and waiting to rock as hard as you do!

Mad Catz will introduce a Rock Band 4 Band In A Box™ bundle, which includes a copy of the game, a new Wireless Fender™ Stratocaster™ Guitar Controller, a new Wireless Drum Kit and a Microphone! If you just want to rock out with a Guitar Controller, hey, we got you covered as we’ll have a Guitar Controller Bundle which includes a copy of the game and a Wireless Fender Stratocaster Guitar Controller.


Okay, if you’re not already freaking out, remain calm: if you’re visiting PAX East, Harmonix is running a very special promotion just for visitors to the show. To celebrate the announcement of Rock Band 4, Harmonix will offer a PAX East Wireless Stratocaster Guitar Controller featuring custom artwork of “Gabe” from the Penny Arcade web-comic! To get your hands on this extremely limited-edition collectible, you’ll need to pre-order on-site at the Harmonix booth.

Mad Catz has been working hard with Harmonix to make a suite of all-new music game controllers for rocking out with Rock Band 4, which we believe will prove to be the ultimate music platform for the new generation of consoles! We’re convinced that fans of the franchise will love the new controllers we’re cooking. We’ve turned everything up to 11 this time around! We’ve tweaked several features such as the tilt-sensor on the guitar controllers for extra accuracy and sensitivity. Mic response has been tuned, build-quality has been refined, but more about hardware later. Suffice it to say, we think you’ll all be very happy.

There’ll be lots more Rock Band 4 news as we head into E3 and beyond but right now, to find out more please register your interest by clicking the button below.

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For more information on Rock Band 4, head over to and follow @RockBand or @madcatz on Twitter for updates.


Source: Mad Catz


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